

  1. Kotb, N.M., Ulukaya, G., Chavan, A., Nguyen, S.C., Proskauer, L., Joyce, E., Hasson, D., Jagannathan, M., Rangan, P., (2024) “Genome organization regulates nuclear pore complex formation and promotes differentiation during Drosophila oogenesis”

    Genes and Development doi:

  2. Chavan, A., Isenhart, R., Nguyen, S.C., Kotb, N.M., Harke, J., Sintsova, A., Ulukaya, G., Uliana, F., Ashiono, C., Kutay, U., Pegoraro, G., Rangan, P., Joyce, E.F., Jagannathan, M., (2024) “A nuclear architecture screen in Drosophila identifies Stonewall as a link between chromatin position at the nuclear periphery and germline stem cell fate”

    Genes and Development doi:

  3. Breznak, S., Peng, Y., Deng, L., Kotb, N.M., Flamholz, Z., Rapisarda, I.T., Martin, E. T., LaBarge, K.A., Fabris, D., Gavis, E.R., Rangan, P., (2023) “Pseudouridine-dependent ribosome biogenesis regulates translation of polyglutamine proteins during Drosophila oogenesis”

    Science Advances doi: 10.1126/sciadv.ade5492

  4. Sarkar, K., Kotb, N.M., Lemus, A., Martin, E.T., McCarthy, A., Camacho, J., Iqbal, A., Valm, A.M, Sammons, M.A, Rangan, P., (2023) “A feedback loop between heterochromatin and the nucleopore complex controls germ-cell to oocyte transition during Drosophila oogenesis”

    Highlights: Nature Review Molecular Cell Biology

    Developmental Cell doi:

  5. Martin, E.T., Sarkar, K., McCarthy, A., Rangan, P., (2022) “Oo-site: A dashboard to visualize gene expression during Drosophila oogenesis reveals meiotic entry is regulated post-transcriptionally”

    Biology Open doi:

  6. Martin, E.T., Blatt, P., Ngyuen, E. Lahr, R., Selvam, S., M. Yoon, H., Pocchiari, T., Emtenani, S., Siekhaus, D., Berman, A., Fuchs, G., Rangan, P. (2022) “A translation control module coordinates germline stem cell differentiation with ribosome biogenesis during Drosophila oogenesis.”

    Developmental Cell doi:

  7. Emtenani, S., Martin, E.T., Gyoergy, J.B., Wendelin-Genger, J., Koecher, T., Hurd, T., Bergthaler, A., Rangan, P., Siekhaus, D.E. (2022) “A genetic program boosts mitochondrial function to power macrophage tissue invasion.”

    EMBO doi: 10.15252/embj.2021109049

  8. McCarthy, A.,  Sarkar, K., Martin, E.T.,  Upadhyay, M., James, J.R., Lin, J.M., Jang, S., Williams, N.D.,  Forni, P.E.,  Buszczak, M., and Rangan, P. (2022) “MSL3 coordinates a transcriptional and translational meiotic program in female Drosophila.”

    Development doi: 10.1242/dev.199625

  9. Zhou, L., Hayden, A., Chandrasekaran, A.R., Vilcapoma, J., Cavaliere, C., Dey, P., Mao, S., Sheng, J., Dey, B.K., Rangan, P., Halvorsen, K., (2021) “Sequence-selective purification of biological RNAs using DNA nanoswitches”

    Cell Reports Methods doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2021.100126

  10. Blatt, P., Wong-Deyrup, S., McCarthy, A., Breznak, S., Hurton, M.D., Upadhyay, M., Bennink, B., Camacho, J., Lee, M.T., Rangan, P. (2021) “RNA degradation sculpts the maternal transcriptome during Drosophila oogenesis.”

    Current Biology doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.052

  11. McCarthy A., Deiulio A., Martin T.E., Upadhyay M., & Rangan P. (2018). “Tip60 complex promotes expression of a differentiation factor to regulate germline differentiation in female Drosophila.”

    Molecular Biology of the Cell doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0385

  12. Flora, P., Schowalter, S., Wong-Deyrup, S., DeGennaro, M., Nasrallah, M. A., Rangan, P. (2018). "Transient transcriptional silencing alters the cell cycle to promote germline stem cell differentiation in Drosophila."

    Developmental Biology doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.11.014

  13. Upadhyay, M., Kuna, M., Tudor, S., Martino Cortez, Y., Rangan, P. (2018) "A switch in the mode of Wnt signaling orchestrates the formation of germline stem cell differentiation niche in Drosophila."

    PLOS Genetics doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007154

  14. Flora, P., Wong-Deyrup, S., Martin, E., Palumbo, R., Nasrallah, M., Oligney, A., Rangan, P. (2018). Sequential regulation of maternal mRNAs through a conserved cis-acting element in their 3′ UTRs.

    Cell Reports doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.007

  15. Navarro-Costa, P.(1), McCarthy, A.(1), Prudêncio, P., Greer, C., Guilgur, L. G., Becker, J. D., Secombe, J., Rangan, P.(2), Martinho, R.G.2 (2016) “Early programming of the oocyte epigenome temporally controls late prophase I transcription and chromatin remodelling”

    Nature Communications. (1 equal contribution; 2 corresponding authors) doi: 10.1038/ncomms12331

  16. Upadhyay, M., Martino-Cortez, Y., Wong-Deyrup, S., Tavares, L., Schowalter, S., Flora, P., Hill, C., Nasrallah, M.A., Chittur, S., and Rangan, P. (2016) "Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila."

    PLoS Genetics (Editors Choice: Science) doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005918

  17. Rangan, P., Malone, C.D., Navarro, C., Newbold, S., Sachidanandam, R., Hannon, G.J. and Lehmann, R. (2011) “piRNA production requires heterochromatin formation in Drosophila Current Biology.

    Editors Choice: Science, Highlights: Nature Review Molecular Cell Biology, Dispatch: Current Biology doi:

  18. Rangan, P., DeGennaro, M. and Lehmann, R. (2009) “Regulating gene expression in the Drosophila germline”

    Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. doi:10.1101/sqb.2008.73.057

  19. Chauhan, S., Behrouzi, R., Rangan, P., and Woodson, S.A. (2009) “Structural rearrangements linked to global folding pathways of the Azoarcus group I ribozyme”

    J Mol Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2008.12.075

  20. Rangan, P., DeGennaro, M., Jaime-Bustamante, K., Coux, R.X., Martinho, R., and Lehmann, R. (2008) “Temporal and spatial control of germ plasm RNAs” Current Biology.

    (Nature Review Genetics, Research Highlights). doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2008.11.066

  21. Cinalli, R.M.*, Rangan, P.*, and Lehmann, R. (2008) “Germ cells are forever”

    Cell. (* equal contribution). doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2008.02.003

  22. Chauhan, S., Caliskan, G., Briber, R.M., Perez-Salas, U., Rangan, P., Thirumalai, D., and Woodson S.A. (2005) “RNA tertiary interactions mediate native collapse of a bacterial group I ribozyme.”

    J Mol Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2005.09.015

  23. Rangan, P., Masquida, B., Westhof, E., and Woodson, S.A., (2004) “Architecture and folding mechanism of the Azoarcus group I pre-tRNA.”

    J Mol Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2004.03.059

  24. Rangan, P.*, Perez-Salas, U.A.*, Krueger, S., Briber, R.M, Thirumalai D., and Woodson S.A., (2004) “Compaction of a bacterial group I ribozyme coincides with the assembly of core helices.”

    Biochemistry. (*equal contribution) doi: 10.1021/bi035642o

  25. Rangan, P., and Woodson, S.A., (2003) “Structural requirement for Mg2+ binding in the group I intron core.”

    J Mol Biol. PMID: 12758072

  26. Rangan, P., Masquida, B., Westhof, E., and Woodson, S.A., (2003) “Assembly of core helices and rapid tertiary folding of a small bacterial group I ribozyme.”

    Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0337743100

For copy of publications (


  1. Flora, P., McCarthy, A., Upadhyay, M., & Rangan, P., (2017). Role of Chromatin Modifications in Drosophila Germline Stem Cell Differentiation. Signaling-Mediated Control of Cell Division. Springer, Cham, 2017. 1-30.

  2. Rangan, P and Woodson, SA, (2007). Folding mechanisms of group I intron. In Ribozyme and RNA catalysis. (ed. D.M.J. Lilley and F. Eckstein). Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry.


  1. Prash talked about how fruit flies offer fertility clues at Academic Minutes on NPR on January 12, 2017. A transcript of this podcast can be found below.

  2. Prash explained his research on stem cell differentiation published by University at Albany on YouTube.